April 19, 2009

Sweetspot Canada

Setting up a facebook page for Aroha Silhouettes has been on my to do list for a while now, so I dedicated my Saturday to getting it all setup. I'm so happy with how it turned out!

I would love, love, love it if you would join me on facebook and become a fan! It's where I'll be posting news, events and photos.

Aroha Silhouettes recycled vinyl record jewellery - Phantasmal collection
Last week also brought some incredible press from Sweetspot, Canada's first online trend spotting lifestyle guide. It was the cherry on top to find out the feature wasn't just on their website, but it also went out to inboxes all over Canada. Eeeeee!
Aroha Silhouettes vinyl record jewellery featured on Sweetspot website
Another awesome surprise of the week was an article on TreeHugger by the brilliant Cara Smusiak. I'm a massive fan of TreeHugger, it's a media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability into the mainstream. It's so exciting to be featured on my favourite websites!